Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Samuel's First Letter

Samuel sent his first email on Monday this week.  He is so happy in the MTC! It is so fun to be able to see the little changes that are already starting to take place. But I guess I'll just add the letter so you can see for yourself.

Hola. So we'll get right into the good stuff. Day 1 the teacher walks into class and I think I hear a total of 10 words in english for him the whole day, and at least 5 of those are the same in spanish and english.

Second day, after being in class all day when we weren't eating, we met our branch presidency and my companion was made district leader. Happy new year.

Day 3, we taught our first lessons in spanish. I had a very strong experience where for all of 5 sentances I spoke fluent spanish... then it was gone.

Day 4, gym and second lessons in spanish. I had a moment with the gift of tongus again, but the lesson was horrid. Yo no hablo espanol.

Fifth day, we had 2 devotionals a temple walk and my district all shared with each other how we were converted to the gospel. Best way to sum up the day. God loves us, the heavens are open, I apsolutly love my district. You'll probably hear that last one in every email while I'm in the MTC.

As for today, I went to the temple first thing, so it's been good.

You probably want to know who all is in my district so I'll tell you. Me and my companion Elder Porter, Elders Jensen and Henderson, Hermanas Cardon and Cluff, and Hermanas Dustin and Ardnt (that's pronounced like aren't. I know you were wondering and I got your back). There's one other district in our zone that is made up a one threesum of Elders Duffin Lines and Dangello. I love them all with all my heart and I feel like I got the best district in the entire world, so to all you other missionaries and future missionaries, be jealous.

Also, my room has no number by the door so I'm pretty sure we're in a broom closet.

Sorry, no pictures this week, but I'll get them in the email next week.

One last thing, if any one wants to send letters or pacages my mission address while I'm in the MTC is

Elder Samuel Cornwell James
2009 N 900 E Unit 123
Provo UT 84602

I won't be able to get pacages in Argentina so if you want to send stuff to me, do it while I'm here. Elder Henderson has already gotten, like, a bazilion letters and a pacage. Elder Porter got a pacage today. Don't feel like you have to write or send stuff, I just wanted to make sure that anyone who wants to write me has my address.

With Love,
Elder Samuel James

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